How do you know your gender? From Time to People, cradle to grave, few aspects of human identity have exploded into our current collective and visible consciousness as transgender, gender variant, gender expansive, and gender creative identities across the human lifespan. Is this a new phenomenon in human development? Is it identity fad or phenomenon? What are we to do with the upending of our psychological and sociocultural organization of “pink” and “blue” when the world appears to have gone “purple”?
Given the inherent nature of human neuropsychology to organize, categorize, identify, and associate, what are we to do with the potential end of a binary system of gender—boy/girl, man/woman, male/female—when few aspect of human identity have as much sociocultural “currency” as gender, gender identity and gender expression? The veritable “alphabet soup” of sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identification terminology only further appears to confuse and confound our collective wisdom regarding these aspects of development—LGBTIQQA… Welcome to the gender re/evolution.
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